Social Media Stalking? 

Past and Current Courses.

Spring 2021

Disobedience, Dissent, and Revolution (PHIL 335)  sample syllabus

Ethics (PHIL 320)



Graduate Seminar in Ethical Theory (F '20)

Ethics (Sp '20)

Crime and Justice (F '19, Sp '20, F '20)

Law and Reasons (F '19)

Graduate Seminar on Action and Agency (SLU Sp '19)

Graduate Seminar on Neo-Aristotelian Metaethics (SLU F '17) 

Symbolic Logic (SLU F '17)

Graduate Seminar in Metaethics (SLU Sp '16)

Philosophy of Law, PHIL 3430 (SLU F14, S'15, F'15, F'16, S'17, S'18, F'18)

Introduction to Ethics (SLU F'16, S'17, S'18, F'18)

Logic for PreProfessionals, PHIL 4070 (SLLU Spring '15)

Introduction to Philosophy, PHIL 1050 (SLU Fall '15)

 Please feel free to email me for syllabi and reading lists.