forallx: SLU
This is a repository for the SLU edition of the open access logic textbook, forallx, revised by Kathryn Lindeman.
forallx: SLU is a textbook for introductory formal logic, used in my PHIL 4040 course at Saint Louis University. It introduces a truth-functional sentential logic and a first-order quantified predicate logic with identity. Truth tables are used for modeling and to establish results of necessary truth, falsehood, and contingent truth, as well as equivalences and entailments. Students are introduced to basic semantics and to a Fitch-style natural deduction system. There are exercises at regular intervals and a complete solutions booklet. Changes from Button's Cambridge version are minor and mainly consist in changing examples, spellings, and formatting suitable to an American undergraduate audience.
forallx:: SLU is based upon Tim Button’s forallx: Cambridge, which you can find here. forallx: Cambridge is itself based on P.D. Magnus's original forallx. Magnus very generously made his book available under a Creative Commons license. This licenses derivative work, and so forallx: SLU is now released under the same license. In brief, this means that you can use the texts free of charge, download the source files, make changes to them, and make a version of the textbook suitable for your own requirements.
The open access license allows for printing for personal use as well as access to the LaTeX source code for developing derivative works, provided you respect the following conditions:
(a) Attribution. You must give the original author(s) credit.
(b) Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.various conditions.
Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
In accordance with this license, Kathryn Lindeman has made changes to Tim Button's version of P.D. Magnus’s original text. She offers forallx: SLU under the same Creative Commons license (Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0). This is a human-readable summary of the full license, which is available on-line at
Available downloads:
forallx: SLU is a textbook for introductory formal logic, used in my PHIL 4040 course at Saint Louis University. It introduces a truth-functional sentential logic and a first-order quantified predicate logic with identity. Truth tables are used for modeling and to establish results of necessary truth, falsehood, and contingent truth, as well as equivalences and entailments. Students are introduced to basic semantics and to a Fitch-style natural deduction system. There are exercises at regular intervals and a complete solutions booklet. Changes from Button's Cambridge version are minor and mainly consist in changing examples, spellings, and formatting suitable to an American undergraduate audience.
forallx:: SLU is based upon Tim Button’s forallx: Cambridge, which you can find here. forallx: Cambridge is itself based on P.D. Magnus's original forallx. Magnus very generously made his book available under a Creative Commons license. This licenses derivative work, and so forallx: SLU is now released under the same license. In brief, this means that you can use the texts free of charge, download the source files, make changes to them, and make a version of the textbook suitable for your own requirements.
The open access license allows for printing for personal use as well as access to the LaTeX source code for developing derivative works, provided you respect the following conditions:
(a) Attribution. You must give the original author(s) credit.
(b) Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.
For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work.various conditions.
Any of these conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.
In accordance with this license, Kathryn Lindeman has made changes to Tim Button's version of P.D. Magnus’s original text. She offers forallx: SLU under the same Creative Commons license (Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0). This is a human-readable summary of the full license, which is available on-line at
Available downloads:
- forallx: SLU pdf
- forallx: SLU LaTeX source code
- Solutions booklet pdf
- Solutions booklet LaTeX source code